Dianne Feinstein walks out of the Senate chamber bewildered: ‘Did I vote for that?


Dianne Feinstein, the 88-year-old Democratic senator from California, appeared confused on the Senate floor on Wednesday, February 15, 2023. After casting a vote on a judicial nomination, Feinstein asked her staff if she had voted correctly. She also seemed unsure of what had just happened during a two-vote series.

Feinstein’s confusion has raised concerns about her ability to serve in the Senate. She is the oldest member of the Senate and the oldest woman in American history to hold elected office. Some have called for her to resign, but she has said she plans to serve her term, which ends in 2024.

Feinstein’s office has not commented on her confusion. However, some experts have suggested it could be a sign of age-related cognitive decline. Others have said that it could be due to stress or other factors.

Whatever the cause, Feinstein’s confusion has been a concern for many. It is a reminder that even the most experienced and accomplished politicians are not immune to the effects of ageing.

Here are some of the possible explanations for Feinstein’s confusion:

  • Age-related cognitive decline. As people age, they are more likely to experience cognitive decline, leading to problems with memory, attention, and decision-making.
  •  Stress. Feinstein has been under a lot of stress in recent years, including the death of her husband, the #MeToo allegations against her former colleague, and the political polarization in the country. Experiencing stress can cause a range of physical and mental health issues, such as confusion.
  •  Other factors. Other factors could contribute to Feinstein’s confusion, such as sleep deprivation, medication side effects, or a medical condition.

It is important to note that Feinstein has not been diagnosed with any cognitive impairment. However, her confusion is a cause for concern, and it is something that her doctors should be monitoring.

In addition to the possible explanations listed above, Feinstein’s confusion was simply a one-off event. It is not uncommon for people to experience brief periods of confusion or forgetfulness, especially when they are tired or stressed. However, if Feinstein’s confusion continues or becomes more frequent, it is essential to seek medical attention.

It is also important to note that Feinstein is one of many politicians who have experienced confusion or forgetfulness. In recent years, several reports of other politicians, including former President Donald Trump, have appeared confused or forgetful during public events.

While it is impossible to say what is causing Feinstein’s confusion, it is a cause for concern. If Feinstein’s confusion continues or becomes more frequent, she must seek medical attention.

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Feinstein’s latest stumble comes less than 24 hours after her staff announced that she wouldn’t run for a seventh term in 2024.

Her looming retirement caught the decades-long politician off guard, causing Feinstein and her staff to clash over her career plans.

The last time Feinstein blew up at staff in Insider’s presence, she was taking some junior aides to task for rushing her into a continuing resolution vote she appeared unprepared for.

“I don’t even know what that is,” Feinstein told staff last fall on her way through the Senate subway.

Feinstein’s aides did not immediately respond to a request for comment about why the judicial nominees’ votes would have thrown her.

The last time Feinstein blew up at staff in Insider’s presence, she was taking some junior aides to task for rushing her into a continuing resolution vote she appeared unprepared for. 

“I don’t even know what that is,” Feinstein told staff last fall on her way through the Senate subway. 

Feinstein’s aides did not immediately respond to a request for comment about why the judicial nominees’ votes would have thrown her. 

Several House Democratic lawmakers, including Reps. Katie Porter, Adam Schiff, and Barbara Lee have already announced they’re running or are reportedly preparing to mount a bid for her Senate seat. 

About the author

Marta Lopez

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By Marta Lopez

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